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*FÄLLT AUS* Water and Soap for Doggie and Kitty (EN)
1. September 2024 @ 11:00 - 11:35
Puppettheatre based on Josef Čapek – for families and children from 2 years+
Doggie and Kitty live together in their own little house. They want to do everything just like the grown-up people. But that´s not all that easy, if you´ve only got paws and claws instead of hands and fingers. And so they wash the floor with whatever they have – using each other as a scrubbing brush and floor-cloth. How do you think they will do the laundry, then – and dry it?
An original play with Czech tabletop puppets and real water.
Play, Music, Technics: Ralf Lücke
Direction: Kristiane Balsevicius
Puppets: Michaela Bartoňová, Antonin Müller
Idea: Michaela Bartoňová, Ralf Lücke
Wenn Sie gerne für Ihre Gruppe (Kita, Schule usw.) Plätze reservieren möchten, nutzen Sie bitte nicht das von Pretix vorgefertigte Ticket-Programm, sondern wenden Sie sich direkt an uns:
030/53 69 51 50